Our Principal Vission and Missions

Mrs. Bhavana Chauhan is the Principal of SPS Group. She always has an aim of offering the best and high class knowledge to the students of all groups. She is very dedicated and down to earth personality and has the tendency of applying things with calmness. She has immense experience in the education field with lots of experience as a teacher and as principal also. She has the power to understand the situation and handle it with a very effective way. She always ready to help and support students and staff and that makes her very lovable to all in the school premises. Her commitments and completion of work on time is uncut and always have the upper hand with the quality She have on the management.

*To provide educational facilities that rank on par with those offered in the world's finest educational institutions.

*To provide the finest quality education that will evolve in step with the changes that takes place globally in the fields of education, science, commerce and arts.

*To provide an environment conducive to the development of progressive thinking.

*To set new qualitative standards in education by employing innovative approaches.

*True education therefore is in terms of knowledge, qualities, skills and attitudes and capacities that enable individuals to become conscious subject of their growth and active participants in a systematic process of building an ever-advancing civilization.

In order to achieve the most efficient learning which holds good for life, the process of learning must work upon the 'whole person' and engage fully all aspects of the learner - mind, body and spirit and honour each student as an individual learner, recognize that each student has his or her own learning style, unique gifts, interests, aspirations and challenges to learning, and support each student to learn in his or her own unique way. At the same time, young people must be empowered, to learn, create and apply knowledge in the company and context of other human beings and to be fully capable of transcending all one-on-one comfort zones to exist with equal ease and contentment as one amongst many. Only with such a focus can the human being add value to life and aptly apply his/her knowledge to the humane context of larger life.